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Thought Leadership Article Writing Service

Article at a glance:

There’s a long ladder to climb between being a first-time publisher to becoming a recognized industry thought leader. But if you can stay the course, becoming a true thought leader brings with it many benefits.

Thought leaders can:

  • Develop their personal branding and reputation
  • Heighten their industry visibility
  • Realize secondary benefits such as being invited to speak at industry events
  • Can command a premium for their service
  • Can win inclusions to RFP opportunities (Source: Edelman / LinkedIn)

And more!

Why Write Thought Leadership Articles?

Thought leadership involves two essential elements: conveying meaningful, high-quality insights (“thought”); and conveying insights that are also original and which can shape the debate in an industry (“leading”).

If you have insights to share that could be considered true thought leadership, then articles, or blogs, are a good place to start.


  • Are relatively short
  • Don’t take long to read
  • Can be published very easily — no special software is required.

Where Can I Publish My Thought Leadership Articles

If you’re beginning the journey towards becoming established as a recognized thought leader, then you can use several publishing platforms to achieve your objectives.

Ultimately a mix of on-site and off-site publication options is likely to be most effective. Ideally, and to achieve maximum effect, thought leadership should be published regularly and strategically, according to an editorial calendar. To learn more about thought leadership strategy planning, visit this link.

For instance you could:

  • Publish monthly articles to a blog you set up on your website
  • ‘Refurbish’ an insight and publish it externally once a month

If you just want to get started with sharing thought leadership articles and blogs, then the following are all locations where you might wish to publish resources:

  • Your blog
  • Medium
  • LinkedIn

Should I Publish My Thought Leadership Article To My Site, Medium, Or LinkedIn

A lot of first time prospective thought leaders are interested in publishing to Medium, LinkedIn, or their blog — but they’re not sure which is best.

For an in-depth interview of the differences from SEO and PR perspectives, check out this post from the blog.

Some key takeaways:

  • Medium is a great place to syndicate thought leadership to in order to tap into secondary audiences
  • LinkedIn has a more professionally-oriented readership
  • Publishing the first copy to your blog helps build up its domain authority (DA) in the search engines.

A mixture of approaches can work the best.

Should I Use Content Marketing, Thought Leadership, Or Both?

Content marketing and thought leadership both leverage the power of words to further inbound marketing strategies, develop brand awareness, and generate leads.

Nevertheless, there are important differences between the two. Check out this FAQ page to learn more.

Content marketing and thought leadership can be used in conjunction. For those that want to derive maximum value from limited authoring resources, refurbishing content can be a great means to maximize reach.

How Do I Work With A Thought Leadership Ghostwriter?

If you want to with a thought leadership ghostwriter to author your thought leadership blogs or articles, then there are a few things to know:

  • It’s important that the ghostwriter has a clear idea of your objectives
  • You don’t have to surrender control over the authoring and editing process
  • A thought leadership ghostwriter can save you time and help produce your thought leadership in the quickest possible manner

Typically, perhaps after an introductory call, authors will send their writers a brief detailing their requirements. There’s both a brief form and a guide as to how to write writers’ briefs on this website.

How Long Will It Take To Ghostwrite A Thought Leadership Article?

There’s no easy answer as to how long it will take to ghostwrite a thought leadership article.

The answer depends on a few variables including whether you have worked with a thought leadership article ghostwriter before; the background material you need the writer to go through; and the writer’s current workload.

DSR Ghostwriting offers an estimated turnaround time of three to six business days per draft.

How Much Does Thought Leadership Ghostwriting Cost?

For ballpark pricing information about DSR Ghostwriting writing services, including thought leadership ghostwriting, please refer to the ballpark rates estimates page.

Please use this page to request a precise quote.

Thought Leadership Article Writing FAQs

What's the difference between thought leadership and content marketing

Thought leadership and content marketing have two different objectives. To learn more, read the FAQ.

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